Tenant Advisory Group (TAG)
At Unison, our renters are at the heart of everything we do. We're dedicated to ensuring renters have a voice in how their housing is managed. This commitment is outlined in our Constitution, which requires a Tenant Advisory Group (TAG) and Unison Renter Voice Policy.
What is the Tenant Advisory Group (TAG)?
TAG is one way that Unison gets feedback and ideas directly from our renters. TAG is a forum for renters to advise Unison on how to best meet the needs of tenants and improve our operations.
TAG meets quarterly to discuss and provide advice on:
- Ways to improve services;
- Proposed changes in service delivery and policies that may impact renters;
- Our communication to renters, such as information on the website, sign up information, brochures and letters;
- Ideas on how to improve renter participation in the organisation and broader community.
Why join TAG?
Being a TAG member is an opportunity for you to represent the interests of renters, have a voice, and have an influence on matters that affect Unison renters.
The TAG helps to improve services, provides input into how Unison is run, and creates opportunities for renter participation. TAG members also benefit from access to training and other skill development opportunities.
TAG Memberships
Any current renter over 18 who has been a renter for at least a year is eligible to apply to become a TAG member.
TAG members are appointed for a two-year term. At the end of the two years, TAG members can re-apply to continue in the group for two additional terms, with a maximum period of six years. This is to make sure that as many renters as possible have the chance to participate and have their say.
To applu, interested renters must complete an applications outlining their reasons for wanting to join.
Applications for the Tenant Advisory Group are currently closed. Tenants will be informed when the application process re-opens.
How are members of TAG chosen?
TAG members are chosen by a selection panel based on their application and an informal interview. The selection panel is looking for renters who have:
- A desire to improve the quality of housing provided and the lives of renters;
- Good communication skills, including listening respectfully to others, expressing ideas clearly, and raising issues in meetings.
- Respect for others, including understanding and tolerance of diverse perspectives and experiences;
- A willingness to represent the views of other renters.
Want more information?
If you want more information on TAG or need help completing the application form, don't hesitate to contact your Place Manager, or submit a request using our feedback form.
Are there other ways I can be involved?
There are many ways to get involved with Unison and have a say about your property or the organisation’s policies and operations. These include:
- Resident meetings;
- Attending social events for residents;
- Responding to Unison’s surveys;
- Raising ideas, requests or concerns with your Place Manager;
- Making a complaint or providing your input via the feedback form;
- Discussing issues or ideas with a TAG member.