Our Developments

Unison is an experienced and award-winning social and affordable housing developer, having completed a range of projects, individually and in partnership with other social organisations and local and state governments.

Our mission is to collaborate to create vibrant, sustainable communities that meet the needs of renters, owners and homeless people by developing, managing and providing access to affordable housing.

Working collaboratively with builders and developers, we aim to reimagine community and strengthen the connection between people and place.

We are experienced working with developers and local and state governments during the planning, construction and handover of medium to high-density apartment developments. We bring together planners, designers, engineers and community residents to get a broader perspective on how buildings and building design works in place.

We work with like-minded people to formulate collective ideas and aspirations about what a place/community can be for people from all walks of life and who share a commitment to providing quality service.

Unison's place management approach is a crucial onsite mechanism to help steer all aspects of a development through construction, community engagement, asset design and maintenance. As place managers, we immerse ourselves in the detail of the build and forecast maintenance service and life cycle planning requirements.

To discuss a development project with our team, don't hesitate to contact Unison CEO James King on 03 9349 0250.


Bell St, Heidelberg

Project status: Completed July 2023


Our 260 Bell Street project, part of the Victorian Government’s $5.3 billion Big Housing Build, has delivered 42 new homes for vulnerable families in the City of Banyule. 

Unison Housing worked with Plus Architecture and builder Manresa Constructions to deliver this elevated and exemplary housing product for people in need.  


>> Click here for more info on this project

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Marshall St, Newtown

Unison Housing is undertaking a substantial urban renewal project at 2-12 Marshall Street, Newtown. The proposed development, approved by the Minister of Planning in December 2023, seeks to transform 22 single-storey units into 77 brand-new self-contained apartments. Construction is anticipated to start in early 2025.


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Cottrell St, Werribee

Project status: Completed in November 2022


Our 74-unit housing development on Cottrell Street in Werribee is now complete. This project is part of our strategy to help alleviate housing distress in the City of Wyndham. It houses a Unison Initial Assessment and Planning (IAP) office alongside partner support services. This is our second significant development in Werribee following the opening of the purpose-built supported accommodation for young people on Market Road earlier this year.

>> Click here for more info on this project


Make Room, Melbourne

Project status: Completed 2024


The Make Room was completed in October 2024 and is set to welcome residents in early 2025. 

The City of Melbourne has raised more than $16.1 million for the $24.9 million project, following funding commitments from the Victorian Government and a range of leading philanthropic and corporate partners.

Cohealth has been confirmed as the on-site provider offering on-site wraparound social and health support services.

>> Click here for more info on this project

Photo showing the interior of an apartment at the Market Road property

Market Rd, Werribee

Project status: Completed in 2021

In December 2021, Unison unveiled new purpose-built supported accommodation for young people in Werribee.

The new building, owned and managed by Unison, is a youth foyer providing accommodation and dedicated case work support for up to two years to young people aged 16 -25 years who are homeless.

The service, delivered in partnership with Melbourne City Mission, aims to prevent adult homelessness and establish young people in safe and secure housing at a critical developmental life stage.

>> Click here for more info on this project

Photo of the apartment building developed by Unison on Napier St, Footscray

Napier St, Footscray

Project status: Completed in 2020

Unison transformed a run down block of 17 small units into 54 brand new self-contained apartments. All units are let as social housing to people who have experienced or are at risk of homelessness, offering safe and modern homes to people who need it most.

In 2021, Unison won the Urban Development Institute of Australia (UDIA) National Award for Excellence for this social housing development in Melbourne's west.

>> Click here for more info on this project

Photo of Unison's property in Fairfield, showing a modern building on the left and a heritage building on the right

Station St, Fairfield

Project status: Completed in 2021

In just 14 months, Unison entirely revamped a heritage 22-bedroom rooming house and built a new apartment complex on site in Station St, Fairfield, to provide a total of 38 modern self-contained homes for women in need.

While paying respect to the property’s heritage, Unison focussed on improving the quality of accommodation for our tenants.

In 2021, Unison won the 2021 Planning Institute of Australia, VIC Award for Planning Excellence for Great Place for this property.

>> Click here for more info on this project