Unison Tenant Advisory Group Convenor announced
Congratulations Frank Otis on being named Unison’s Tenant Advisory Group (TAG) convenor. TAG ensures we get feedback and ideas directly from our residents in order to continuously improve how we best meet the needs of tenants. Frank lives at McIntyre Drive Altona and was one of the first to move in 5 years ago. He takes his responsibility as convenor seriously.
“An important part of my job is to encourage people to speak up and have the confidence to have a say. TAG gives us a forum to contribute and talk about what is working and what needs attention. Sometimes the quietest people have the best ideas.”
TAG members are a mix of ages, backgrounds and are from all over Melbourne. They meet every two months (attended also by the Unison CEO Michael Perusco and Board Chair Jane Evans) to discuss and provide advice to Unison management on:
- Ways to improve services
- How to make policies and procedures that get the best outcomes for tenants while meeting the needs of the organisation.
- Ideas about how to improve tenant participation in the organisation and broader community.
TAG also reports to the Unison Board at least twice a year, to make sure tenant voices are heard at all levels of the organisation.
Frank has been actively involved in tenant groups, having been a member of the Yarra Community Housing TAG and he is President of the McIntyre Drive Tenants Group. In addition to having a secure and safe home, Frank knows the value of community connection.
“Being involved in activities that get people out of their homes and socialising is a very important part of improving lives. Tenants feel like they belong to a community rather than feeling isolated and alone. I am looking forward to increasing the number of activities for residents at Altona and connecting with local government services as well.”
“What I would like to achieve with TAG is for the board and the tenants to have an increased understanding of each other, to have a closer relationship and to work together to achieve our same aspiration – to improve lives.”
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