My home. My heaven.

Victoria says that she has been born 3 times.

The first time as a baby in Iraq. The 2nd time when she arrived safely in Australia as a refugee. The 3rd time when she moved in to her lovely unit in Reservoir where she is independent, safe, can cook and bake, meet up with neighbours and sleep well. “My home is heaven” Victoria says.

Victoria spent time in Jordan after escaping Iraq before being assisted by the UN to settle in Australia as a refugee.  Although safe in Australia, her health is not good and her housing situation has been difficult.

Her three brothers and a sister live in Australia, but things didn’t work out with Victoria living with them. She moved a number of times, finally ending up in a rooming house.

“After I was robbed and assaulted the Police were called. They linked me to a support organisation and I was connected to Unison who found me my lovely safe home.

But this story has more. Phillip, originally from Egypt and a retired tramways worker volunteers for Vinnies. He met Victoria and helped her furnish her home through the Vinnies’ material aid program. Phillip speaks Arabic and has been of great support interpreting for Victoria.

Now Victoria volunteers at the Vinnies Op Shop which helps her with her English and she has met new people in her community.

“I am very happy in my beautiful home. I love baking and I can decorate it at Christmas time,”  she says smiling widely.

It is so good to know that we are able to provide homes that mean so much.

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