We celebrate with the LGBTQIA+ community on IDAHOBIT Day

International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia and Transphobia Discrimination (IDAHOBIT) is celebrated each May 17. IDAHOBIT celebrates LGBTQIA+ people globally and raises awareness for the work still needed to combat discrimination.
Here a few shocking facts.
Homosexuality was included in the World Health Organisation International Classification of Diseases until 1990. In Australia, Tasmania decriminalised homosexuality as recently as 1997.
LGBTQIA+ people still today experience disproportionate rates of bullying, harassment and discrimination at home, workplace and in the community. These experiences affect people’s physical and mental health. For some, the impact is lifelong and devastating.
35% of LGBTQIA+ Australians have experienced verbal abuse in the past 12 months
2 in 3 LGBTQIA+ youth experience abuse due to their identity
68% of LGBTQIA+ employees in Australia are not out to everyone at work (Out at Work, 2018)
Unison is proud to be an Equal Employment Opportunity employer and strongly believes in the positive impact of bringing together people who are all unique in their own way. We believe everyone should be able to express themselves honestly and be accepted for who they identify as.
The IDAHOBIT web page is a great resource to explore more about identity, inclusion, allyship and people’s stories. The web page also provides information on how to get involved and Go Rainbow against LGBTQIA+ discrimination Just click here https://www.idahobit.org.au/.
Further information
The Speaking Up Speaks Volumes campaign by the North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network (NWMPHN) aims to improve the mental health and wellbeing of LGBTIQ+ people by encouraging families, friends, colleagues, peers and the wider community to speak up against discrimination and to speak up as an ally. You can find the website here https://www.speakingupspeaksvolumes.org.au/the-facts/
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