Her home is her anchor
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You are struck by *Edie’s apartment when you enter. In a light filled lounge with high ceilings, healthy indoor plants take pride of place. Bright scatter cushions, artwork, family photos, elegant pieces of furniture and a library of cookbooks offer a window to Edie’s life.
Edie raised her children in a large house she called home for 30 years. She ran several cafes including a few with her son. “I love creating a personal and social space; an atmosphere for people to enjoy,” she smiles, before adding, “but life happens.”
First, a marriage break up, then a house downsize and a move from home ownership to private rental. “The older I became, I found the more unstable my tenancy,” explained Edie. For an aging pensioner, the increasing rent became unaffordable.
“It was incredibly stressful. When my rent became unaffordable, I found myself in a terrible situation. A safe, secure and stable home is very important, particularly as you get older. I needed an anchor.”
The proud mother says she is very blessed. “My children have been good to me.” Edie’s children helped her pay rent for a few years to help alleviate the constant pressure. She then moved in with her daughter.
“My housing situation propelled me to seek help; relationships suffer,” Edie explains. She read an article about Launch Housing and social housing and ended up contacting them. Launch Housing enquired with Unison if they had any suitable housing vacancies. Which brings us to the elegant apartment.
As part of tackling the growing housing affordability crisis, Unison recently refurbished the heritage building and built new apartments in a complex that targets women in need. A unit was available, and Edie moved into her new home.
“I couldn’t ask for more. It is perfect. These are all the things I love. It is close to public transport, medical facilities and the local shopping precinct, and I love the high ceilings and solid walls.”
Edie has two grandchildren who love to visit and read books on the big comfortable couch. They also venture out to the local park which is only a short walk away.
Unfortunately, Edie’s story is common. When asked what advice she would give to others seeking a safe and affordable home? “Keep your eyes and ears open to news of housing programs and support services. I didn’t think I would get help but found that once I made initial contact, I was assisted on my path to living where I am now.”
Edie’s home is the anchor she needed. Her grandchildren’s’ books are on the couch, her plants are well tended, and she cooks great meals for family and friends. Her personal touches have created a home to be enjoyed.
“I love my home,” she smiles. It is obvious.
*Not her real name
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